Getting mental health support can be challenging, especially this year. The pandemic has increased the complexity of scheduling an in-person therapy appointment, including finding transportation, childcare, and other obstacles that patients may face.
At Nugent Family Counseling of San Jose, California, Los Gatos, California, and Reno, Nevada, our team is committed to providing high-quality care for our new and existing patients. This is why we offer convenient, comfortable, and effective therapy and mental health support via telehealth. With telehealth therapy, you can more easily get the care you need.
How can telehealth therapy help?
Telehealth therapy can work effectively for patients with a wide range of mental health support needs. Whether you’ve been working with one of the therapists at Nugent Family Counseling for a while, and could benefit from more flexible scheduling options, or if you need to connect with a therapist, we’re here to help.
Telehealth therapy gives you the same benefits as therapy appointments held face-to-face. You can discuss your symptoms, experiences, and concerns with a member of our compassionate care team, and get guidance and support in real time, just as you would with an office visit. Studies show that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can work just as well from a distance as in person.
Without impacting the effectiveness of your therapy, telehealth can resolve several types of problems. You might have a mobility condition that makes office visits challenging, or not want to bother with transportation hassles. If you need to isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19, telehealth treatment can continue your therapy without disrupting your mental health support.
Supporting your mental health through technology
With today’s technological options, telehealth therapy can support one-on-one counseling via videoconferencing, or group therapy sessions over web-based platforms. Your therapist can speak to you individually over the phone, or you or a loved one can set up a videoconferencing session together with a member of the Nugent Family Counseling care team.
We also offer specialized apps to connect our patients with their therapists, and can even connect via email. Our telehealth technologies take your privacy concerns into account, and we make sure that all of your data is handled in compliance with HIPAA regulations. We might suggest that you connect with us from a private network, or lock your computer to other users to protect your privacy during your session.
If you’re dealing with depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, or interpersonal problems, telehealth therapy can serve as an effective way to improve your mental health. To take advantage of the telehealth therapy offerings from Nugent Family Counseling, set up an appointment today. You can book over the phone, or use the online tool now.