Alexandria Nelson, Clinical Social Worker, currently practicing under an internship that is supervised by a certified Nevada LCSW. Alexandria recently joined the company and prior to working for Nugent Family Therapy, Alexandria worked for The Children’s Cabinet in Reno, Nevada creating opportunities for families to reunify, creating safety plans, and advocating for families in Northern Nevada Rural communities to have more support services.
Alexandria provides individual therapy and family counseling. Alexandria has a background in working with children, teens, young adults, and families experiencing anxiety, depression, trauma, and behavioral difficulties. Alexandria provides services using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (MCBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Interpersonal Therapy, Trauma Informed Care, and Psychoeducation. Her goal is to help her clients overcome the challenges and stressors of life, traumatic experiences, or other circumstances that have impacted the client, while increasing a development of self, strengthening coping skills, and create an understanding to maintain wellbeing.
In Alexandria’s free time she likes to go hiking with her dog Jax, camping, traveling to new places, and spending quality time with her family and friends.